Class Update / Instructions / Mark Your Calendars

Important Back-to-School Info 2013-2014

Back to School

Dear Parents of Dual Immersion Third Graders:

It is hard to believe that summer is winding down and it’s time to think about school again! I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer!

Communication with Parents

I believe that one of the key parts to a successful education is communication between parents and teacher. I have a webpage where you will find helpful information regarding what is being taught and links to curriculum. I plan to use email about our goings-on to maintain communication with parents. If you didn’t do so at the end of last year, please send your email address to school with your student (or send me one with your name and your child’s name to If you need to communicate via telephone, you can leave me a message at 385-646-9912. I check those messages at the end of the school day or the following morning and will do my best at responding promptly. In case of emergency, you may call the school office at 385-646-5073.

Instructional Day

50% of our day will include subjects taught in Spanish and 50% in English. Students will work on increasing phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and writing in both languages. We will continue to use our literacy programs “Calle de la Lectura” and “ImagineIt!” to support these skills. Words Their Way will be used for English spelling instruction.  This year we will continue to use Go Math for our math curriculum. Our main math lesson will be taught in Spanish. During math time in English, students will spend time practicing creative problem solving skills as well as reviewing vocabulary and practicing key concepts through games, activities, and small group work with the teacher. Interconnections (Social Studies & Science) as well as computer technology, P.E. and library time will also be included in your child’s schedule.


Each student will receive a green homework folder which should go back and forth with him/her each school day. Inside you will find a pocket to empty (things to go home) and a pocket for homework to turn in. All homework is due on the following day (unless otherwise indicated). Late work will not be accepted after Friday of the week it was assigned.

Spelling – Each week your child will have English spelling words to practice through a sort. The spelling does not have to be turned it – it is meant for practice of the concepts.

Reading  – Students will bring home a fun story to read each week. These assignments will be sent home after their beginning of the year reading assessment so that I can send assignments on their reading level. Most students will take this home in Spanish. If your child needs to improve their English reading, this will be sent home in English until they can improve their fluency and/or comprehension. There is a short activity to do each night in order to help them in fluency and comprehension. The purpose of this homework is to increase fluency over time, therefore please make sure that this is done nightly instead of once a week. The time your child spends on this homework can be included as part of his/her 20 minute independent reading. Please sign the independent reading calendar weekly (inside the reading folder) and have your child turn it in on Fridays.

MathMath homework will be sent home in Spanish based on our daily lessons in Spanish. If you need help in understanding a specific assignment, there is a link on my webpage to get to the math website that has all assignments in English as well. I will send further information on how to sign on along with a login and password for your child as soon as I have that set up.

Supplies Needed

Most of the necessary school items will be supplied for your child. The following items would be very helpful:

  • Backpack or bag to carry homework folder back and forth.
  • Box of facial tissues for general classroom use.
  • Water bottle with a lid with their name written on it. \
  • Light sweater  – given that the school is now air-conditioned sometimes it is quite cool – especially if your child is seated beneath the air unit would encourage you to add a light sweater or long-sleeve shirt that your child may use if the room temperature is too cool for them.

EXTRA ITEMS BROUGHT FROM HOME (YES EVEN SPECIAL PENCILS, ERASERS, FOLDERS, ETC.) BECOME A DISTRACTION RATHER THAN A TOOL AND WILL BE RETURNED HOME. The classroom supply budget doesn’t always cover all of the supplies I need to run the classroom. If you are feeling extra generous, any of the following would be welcome anytime during the year!

Wish List

  • Black Fine-Point Dry-Erase Markers
  • Clorox cleaning wipes
  • Very Fine Point Sharpie Markers for book publishing
  • Fine Point markers for illustrating/outlining
  • Metallic Sharpie Markers – gold and silver – for publishing

Room Parent & Classroom Volunteers

I am excited to be implementing the use of a “Room Parent” this year. This volunteer will organize class parties and help in collaborating with parents who would like to volunteer in the classroom.  If you are interested in being the “Room Parent” please send me an email.

The First Day of School

On the first day, Wednesday, August 21st, please have your child line up on #27 on the south side of the school. My classroom is in a new hall this year. It is the second hall from the west—second and third graders will be lining up there. Our P.E. day will be on Wednesdays this year and since that is the first day of school, I wanted to give parents a heads up so that your child comes dressed appropriately. I look forward to working together with you to make your child’s third-grade year a success.


Sra. Reyes

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