Class Update / Instructions

Educación Físicia – P.E.


Just a reminder that each Thursday this year, your child will have physicial education class for 45 minutes. The teacher, Miss J., sent home a note the first week asking all students to wear the appropriate clothing for P.E. Last week she sent a little bright-green CHALLENGE CHART. For the next four weeks, if your child wears the appropriate clothing, they will get a stamp on their chart.

What is appropriate for P.E.?

  • comfortable athletic shoes that provide support (not open-toed shoes, sandals, flip-flops, crocs or backless footwear, boots or shoes with heels)
  • T-shirts or sweat-shirts
  • Loose-fitting pants or jeans
  • A belt if your pants are loose

Thank you for helping your child be prepared for P.E. class!

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