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Mini Language Fair

Dear Parents of 3rd Graders,

We are excited to announce that 4th grade has invited us to participate in a mini language fair with them. The fair will give the students the opportunity to participate in at least 2 of 5 categories. There will also be other language and culture-based activities when the students have finished their competition. Mrs. Santana and I are in need of some parent volunteers to help facilitate the event. It is not necessary to speak the language as we will also need help with an art project and serving Nacho refreshments. If you cannot help at the event and you would still like to help, donations of chips or canned nacho cheese are also another way you could help out.

Please let me know if you will be able to help in some way. The event will be held Thursday, May 18th at 1:00 p.m. (outside Mrs. Santana’s classroom weather pending)

Thank you for all of your support. This event should be a lot of fun!

Sra. Reyes

Estimados padres de niños del tercer grado:

La clase de 4to grado nos ha invitado a participar en un evento especial en un par de semanas – será una feria de lenguaje donde los estudiantes competerán en un par de eventos y también algunas actividades/juegos. Necesitamos a padres que hablen español para ayudar a ser los jueces de los eventos. Si usted podría ayudarnos con su talento del lenguaje o si no puede estar y quiere ayudar con una donación de chips o queso (enlatado) para hacer nachos, seria de mucha ayuda.

Favor de dejarme saber pronto si nos puede ayudar en algo. El evento será el jueves, 18 de mayo a la 1:00 p.m. (bajo el sol si el clima permite)

Gracias siempre por su apoyo.


Sra. Reyesspanish