
Quien soy yo – Spanish Presentations

Students created a short presentation introducing themselves in Spanish and talking about what they hope to learn this year. If you didn’t get a chance to see the presentation at SEP Conferences, below is a link for each student. Just ask your student what their class number is and click the associated link. Student 1 … Continue reading

Class Update

9/20 Class Update

Dear Parents,  SEP Conferences Thank you for signing up for SEP Conferences! I am looking forward to meeting with you and your child on Monday and Tuesday evenings next week. If you are scheduled for an earlier timeslot and I get held up at Jury Duty, the office will call you to reschedule. Thank you … Continue reading

Class Update

Class Update 9/14

Dear Parents, Preventing the spread of Illness Please pay attention for the symptoms of Norovirus. We are working hard at West Kearns to disinfect high touch areas in classrooms and other areas of the school to prevent the spread of Norovirus. Your child will wash their hands when they arrive at school, before lunch, and … Continue reading

Class Update

Class Update 9/10

Dear Parents, Reading Minutes Just as a reminder to please report the number of days read for the previous week on Fridays. You can report on this online form and the report will automatically be sent to me. If you don’t have online access or prefer to report your child’s reading days on paper, they … Continue reading